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Evaluation: Logistics & Communication

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There are inevitable constraints that occur when considering new developments in all spheres of work. In particular, teacher education courses are often working to an extremely tight timescale, particularly one-year PGCEs and the success of any new initiative is dependent on how well it integrates into existing structures; not only so that it 'fits in', but so it can best fulfil the intended outcome of enhancing and enriching the quality of training.

The dialogue heard here (pdf transcription available) is in response to the following questions:

To the trainees. . . We are thinking of trying to expand the numbers of trainees who can have this experience, but we need to know about the negatives as well as the positives. Can you tell us whether you experienced any difficulties during it or as a wider consequence of your participation?

To the teachers & ITE providers. . . If we try to develop this way of working what barriers need to overcome?

To the museum educators. . . If we try to continue this work are there barriers within museum learning services that need to be overcome?

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A transcript for the video clips can be found at: Logistics & Communication.pdf