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Evaluation: Our Worlds

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A key objective of the intial training was to to ensure that all participants were aware of what each others' roles were, what their jobs entailed, what their intentions and expectations were. . . an understanding of the different 'worlds' that partners from teach of the three different sectors came from. The dialogue heard here (pdf transcription available) are in response to the following questions:

To the trainees. . . What was your perception of what and how children learn in museums before your placement started? Has that perception shifted?

To the teachers & ITE providers. . . What was your perception of museum education before the placement project started? How has it changed?

To the museum educators. . . What was your knowledge of ITT before the project started? Has it changed now?

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iPod Video (H.264)




A transcript for the video clips can be found at: Our Worlds Transcript.pdf