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Central to the development of the project has been a rigorous formative evaluation process

Evaluation of the project has principally been undertaken using semi-structured, filmed interviews with representatives from each of the three elements in each triad.

A typical interview panel would include the school co-ordinator (and/or headteacher), the teacher mentors, the trainee teachers, the associated or 'link' partnership tutor from the ITT provider and the MLA HUB consultant.

Interviews took place in two phases:

  • immediately following the induction period;
  • immediately following completion of the placement.

In cases where the placements were undertaken by different trainees either side of Christmas, the evaluation programme was modified accordingly.

Throughout, evaluation has informed the next stage in the process and has also been a key indicator with regard to the periodic summative reporting of outcomes demanded by the TDA.

A core series of phase 1 and phase 2 questions were assembled with modifications made to address the specific organisation of each individual triad.

Sample questionnaires can be downloaded:

  1. Phase 1 generic interview schedule Pt I evaluation questions.pdf
  2. Phase 2 generic interview schedule Pt II evaluation questions (inclusive).pdf

Classification of outcomes

Responses to questions can be classified under a range of headings. For video interviewee responses click on the relevant area of interest:

Our Worlds: developing a mutual understanding of each triad partners' field of work.

Training Activities: what did the trainees actually do?

Deconstruction: what approaches were used to help trainees analyse practice?

Transferability: how well does the pedagogy, philosophy, etc. transfer to the classroom?

Changing Thinking: how has the experience changed all partners' thinking?

Relationships & Behaviour: developing communication and inclusivity.

QTS Standards: how does the museum based experience address the standards for QTS?

Achieving the Aim: has the experience achieved the project aims?

Logistics & Communication: what have we learned regarding organisation, management, etc.?

Filmed recordings of the interim phase of evaluation can be viewed on Disc 1 of the project DVD. Full details of the disc content with direct reference to the clip index are available as a downloadable document ASP DVD Disc 1 commentary.pdf